Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today I did two things. First, I went back to the 50cm drop and did it about 100 times, just to get the timing right. In the end it worked pretty well. On my way home I saw another drop with about the same height but with almost no space to move sideways (the first one I did off a very wide platform) which made it harder. The first 20 times or so I lost my balance and went down with the front wheel first (out of a backhop) realizing that you couldn't do this off a higher platform or at least not w/o hurting yourself. I guess I will have to get my balance right before taking on higher drops. One thing I noticed though is that I was able to aim where to land and that I could jump at least 1 meter far.

The other move I tried to do was the "pedal up" which is way harder than it looks on trashzen. I managed to get the front wheel up with the "bad" foot and also got my backwheel up to a certain extend but it just felt wrong or at least weird. One time I went down on the first pedal stroke because I did it too hard. Sitting down on concrete this way is something I don't like to do.

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