Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Again, I'm very happy with today's workout. Since I'm having trouble with the "Going Down" part of trials, I once again dedicated some time to gaps. I'm still afraid of dropping heights higher than 60cm even though I've already managed to do 80cm at one point. I guess I will have to do drops for a very long time before I'm comfortable with them.

Yesterday, I had some time to read through the "Static Hop" section of and found out that I've been doing it wrong the entire time. The main point is to get your shoulders beyond the handlebars and push up really hard. This is what I did today and it felt way better. I came out at 64cm which is my personal best so far. I'm confident that I'll be doing higher heights very soon.

The rock section is still a pain in the ***. I could actually do pedal kicks up to the fifth rock but as there's only a tiny space to land on w/o the rear wheel losing traction, I tried to do it differently with only a little more success.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Yesterday, I realized that my rear brake hasn't bedded in enough so today I spent 1/2 hour going down and up a steep slope. It's pretty difficult not to skid as the rear wheel blocks instantly if you pull the brake lever a little too much.

After finishing this I went to this staircase and finally managed to get up there w/o doing any correction hops.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Well, the brake's working. My rear tyre not. :D

Almost final build. Just gonna change the front brake lever to an SLX and the front rotor too.

Echo Trials 24'' Dual Disc¹

Echo Trials 24'' Dual Disc²

Echo Trials 24'' Dual Disc³

Echo Trials 24'' Dual Disc⁵

Echo Trials 24'' Dual Disc⁶

Echo Trials 24'' Dual Disc⁷

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Today I went out to test the new frame. Even though it differs only slightly in its geometry from the old one, it takes a while getting used to and as I didn't have much time to ride that bad boy, todays video is only showing things I've already done (in a less "proficient" manner).