Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today I went out to see whether I have improved since June, which I knew beforehand anyways. I still was wondering how much I've actually improved in just 4 months. Here's a video of myself doing stuff I managed to do already but which feels easier now. I think you can see that in the video.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Short workout on two wheels rather than one. Everyday it feels better and also cooler. In the beginning I only did what looked cool (e.g. backwheel hops, pedal ups etc.). Now I'm starting to practice the basic stuff and to my surprise it's cool too. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Air King without air. So 1.4bars and sharp stones are too much for the Conti Air King tyre but I think that any other tyre would've pinched through as well. Thank god it's only a snakebite and not the tyre that tore apart.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Had another go on the pallets. Unfortunately, I hit my rotor on a crappy Side Hop attempt. It's now bent a little and scrapes where it didn't before. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

I have been practicing a lot lately, concentrating on basic stuff that I refused to do a year ago when I started with trials. So I spent almost 2 weeks improving my balance and doing moves on two wheels; these moves that don't look as cool as the ones you do on the rear. 

Anyways, as I was trying to do some Pedal Ups (my favorite move), I realized that with all this basic training, I had to go down a pallet on my maximum height. I suppose it'll return as soon as I start practicing it again but I have come to realize that I don't really need it that often. Since we've founded a trials club in my city and have a playground with all kinds of obstacles, I realized that the Pedal Up is my smallest concern. 

What hinders me to do better/bigger stuff is me being afraid of hurting myself. I have a couple of moves that I know by heart already but as soon as I add some height, I get afraid and don't do them correctly.