Saturday, November 12, 2016

Inspired by Ali C. (pun intended) I went out today for a short session in the cold. I wanted to do front wheel stuff and here you have it.

Ein von Nico Hübner (@nico_hue) gepostetes Video am

Friday, November 11, 2016

I have been practicing rather a lot over the past few days and have always improved, which is so cool and I get even more addicted riding trials than I was before having this bike. Here are a couple of clips.

Ein von Nico Hübner (@nico_hue) gepostetes Video am

Ein von Nico Hübner (@nico_hue) gepostetes Video am

Ein von Nico Hübner (@nico_hue) gepostetes Video am

Ein von Nico Hübner (@nico_hue) gepostetes Video am

Thursday, November 3, 2016

My first line since I've been riding trials. So much fun even though the manual is a bit short and doesn't go anywhere.

Ein von Nico Hübner (@nico_hue) gepostetes Video am